So here we are at the lovely Blue Sky Hotel in Hanoi. Unfortunately, in this part of the world right now the Blue Sky exisits only as a name on a neon sign. Despite the 28 degree temp. it's grey and raining outside.

As it is raining, today we did what any North American might do on long slow rainy Saturdays: we hit up KFC for lunch and then taxied over to the cheap theater to watch a show. Uncultural? sure, but why not. Hanoi isn't much of a tourist place anyway, just a lot of shops catering to locals along a hodge podge of narrow heavily-trafficked streets.

I never thought I'd say this, but we're both really looking forward to the laid back atmosphere of Phnom Penh. So we'll fly back to Saigon tomorrow and then catch a bus home on Mon. Vietnam is alright, and all in all it was a good trip. Check in later for some pictures.

Have a good week, all.

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