Time is quickly tickin' away 'til we return to the true north strong and free. With about 3 weeks left, we decided to hop on bus headed to Ho Chi Minh City and spend a week or two touring around Vietnam.

Our initial thoughts upon arrival?

What have we been doing in Campuchea?

Oh yes: Rescue. The kids.

Solely on a tourist/sightseeing level, I'd say Vietnam trumps Cambodia. Perhaps that statement is biased because it feels so great to be “on the road again”, or maybe we’re just smitten by all these cafes, restaurants, trees, and funky shops (one of us being more smitten by that last one than the other). Either way, it’s a blast.

It’s also interesting to see another angle of Asia. New country. New language. New food (ie. seeing dogs enroute to market). New customs. We’re regular old guinea pigs here, though both in our happy places: James with his maps and learning Vietnamese words from patient locals, and me with an empty memory card in the camera, and …many shops on hand waiting to be explored.

Two other highlights of the trip thus far: stumbling upon the HCMC International Marathon. A perfect example of ignorance being bliss, as I’m sure we would have coerced each other into signing up for the half…you’d understand the bliss more if you saw how 80% of the runners were running in their bare feet. Wow. The second highlight? The HCMC Zoo. If you can stand the .75 cent admissions charge, it’s a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.

As for the rest of the trip, we’re planning on spending another day or two here in the south, then we’re flying up to Hanoi to see the north. Should be good.

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